Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Digipak So Far & Feedback

This is my digipak so far. I have used a picture from the forest looking up so it links in with the theme of autumn and my front cover. I then added a white gradient and gradually changed the opacity so that it gets lighter and lighter, similar to what I did with my front cover. This meant that I was then able to add the text and it would be easy to read, without there being too much contrast. I have included the clouds as i wanted to see how it looked, as I am thinking about using a series of three images so it all links together.I then got audiences feedback for my work so far.

The image used for the back cover is not my own and found off the internet, I am using it for draft purposes only to see how the idea works.

Front Cover:
  • Like the opacity 
  • Maybe add a shadow behind letter to make them bolder
  • Like the minimalistic design- links to genre
  • Like the black and white theme throughout- all links together
Back Cover:
  • Change the gradient- add a bit more so you can see the end of the words
  • Fit the sentence onto one row
  • Change opacity of letters so it blends in better

By getting audience feedback it ensures that my products are the best they can be and are aimed at my target audience by taking on board their feedback. 

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