Narrative based videos-
This type of music video usually consists of a storyline that relates to the songs lyrics and genre and can be used to engage an audience. They are typically used for soundtracks that feature in songs with scenes from the film in the video.
Performance based video-
Performance based videos feature the band/artists performing to an audience or to a camera. They are usually high energy and bands use them to give their audience a taste of what they are like live to encourage people to go and watch them at a concert.
Concept based video-
Concept based are sometimes based on one idea and can usually be quite unusual. They tend to be unique and stick to a particular editing or filming technique.
I researched the different types of music videos so that I had a clear understanding of what categories music videos fit into and what our own idea comes under. By doing this before we start filming our own practical work it allows me to know exactly what our audience will be expecting from our genre and the category it comes under to ensure that it is enjoyable and professional. It has also widened my knowledge of the music video industry and the different music video categories that are out there, so that I can easily recognise them when doing research.
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