Thursday 22 June 2017


Lighting Workshop
Lighting plays a massive role in music videos as it can help set the atmosphere for example if very little lighting is used then it gives the impression of sadness in the video, but if high-key lighting is used then it sets a happy atmosphere and would show what the video is about. 

Low-Key Lighting
Low-key lighting is used in music videos to create a dull and moody atmosphere and can make any scene look more dramatic with a touch of mystery. It allows the audience to focus on the subject instead of being distracted by other thing in the background so your eyes are drawn to the main focal point. An example of this is in Lord's music video for 'Green Light', where throughout the video the background is dull with the odd street light, but because the only light used is on her it means that the whole time you are focused on her and what she is doing, rather than what is happening behind her.

High-Key Lighting:-
In contrast to low-key lighting, high-key lighting creates a more enjoyable atmosphere. It involves using light tones and whites which creates a light airy feel.This tells the audience straight away what their watching is upbeat.

Our Lighting:-
The lighting we decided to look at was side lighting, using an orange and blue artificial light on either side. I really like the dramatic effect it adds and how much you can play around with the density and angle of the lighting. An example of this kind of lighting is used in Glass Animals music video 'Youth', where they use different angles for each shot so the light highlights different angles of the boys face.

Our Examples

By doing this post it means we understand how important lighting is when it comes to our own video so you are able to see everything, but also so we can plan what shot would look good with certain lighting and to emphasise the mood we are trying to create and will also portray the genre. We will be using a black and white filter for quite a few of our clips so it is important we get the lighting right in order to create a good contrast.

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